Thursday 31 July 2014

Thankful Thursday

A blogging mom I follow recently added a Thankful Thursday banner to her thursday posts, and I loved the idea so much I made my own. Thanks for the idea, Louise!

Last week was my birthday, so I sort of dropped the ball on writing a Thankful Thursday post, my apologies!

This week I am very thankful for:

1. my "job" letting me stay home with my little people and care for 2 little girls I adore. (I put job in "" because I often don't feel like it's really a job at all. It's kind of just my life.)

2. Extended Family. We see my extended family (on my mom's side) for the major holidays of the year (Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving), but between Easter and Thanksgiving there is quite a gap, so we've started to have a big family picnic every summer. I can honestly say getting together with this clan is always a highlight for me. I look forward to it every season. We're 3 generations of parents and kids altogether, and it's a good time had by all (I'm pretty sure!)

3. Highchairs. Elliott hasn't sat in a highchair in probably a year, unless it was a punishment spot for him to eat his dinner. Well tonight, after seeing Gracie-lou sit in it for the last three days, asked to sit in the highchair for dinner. He also proceeded to complete his dinner, without a single argument, and without dismantling his entire chicken salad wrap. Who knew high chairs were magic?!

4. Puppies!!! It would appear there is a bit of a "puppy boom" at our church, and I'm so excited for puppy play dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Weddings. We're going to a wedding this weekend, and I'm so excited to watch two friends get married and also party like it's 1999. (To be fair, I'll probably party like it's 2007 because that would be when I was 19 years old...)

6. A smart, mostly obedient puppy. Echo has done a few things that aren't appreciated, but overall, he's learned his lesson from those incidents.

7. Elliott learning to play nicely with other kids. It's been a long tough road of violence at the hands of Elliott, but he's finally learning not to hit other kids. I'm very impressed with how he's been playing with our friend Hannah, and delightfully surprised he's been so sweet on Gracie. Babies aren't usually Elliott's favorite, but he's been very nice and gentle with Gracie.

8. Flexible boys. Not as in physically, but they're very flexible with the changes that have happened over the past month. One I'm particularly happy they haven't fought (too hard) is that they have to shower now; we no longer have a bathtub. Thomas complained the first night, and ever since he's been the one to ask for a shower. Elliott asks occasionally, but doesn't want to stay in very long.

9. A "new" haircolour. I decided a change was due for my hair (even though I only just got it cut, I was still kind of bored with it), so I went out and bought some hair dye and went to town. My hair is now a red that almost matches Thomas and Elliott's, and underneath I put in some lavender. :D I've wanted to do purple in my hair for awhile, and I'm glad I finally did.

10. Our VCR. You read right, we still have a VCR. And we love it! We have a ton of veggie tales on VHS, and we just scored some great movies from a local thrift store that I can't wait to watch with Thomas. So much fun!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your Thankful Thursdays! Glad to hear your 'job' is going well! :)
