Monday 9 June 2014

Weekend Fun

Our weekend wasn't the most exciting, but it was a good one right til the end :)

And of course, any weekend with Costco is a good weekend :)

So that's what we did, we hit up costco with my mom (she's got the card), and that evening she joined me and the boys at my softball game while Josh worked. The game was great, we won, and the boys had a lot of fun playing with the other kiddos there.

Sunday was a lazy day, hanging around the house. I unfortunately didn't have the best saturday night sleep ever, and woke with a headache. Boo. And that headache only seemed to grow throughout the day. I thought I had it beat when we were on the way to the swimming pool, but once I got into the water it came back again. Such is life.

Elliott must have forgotten that he's been the pool before (and fairly recently), because he decided he was terrified and only wanted to cling to mommy. Poor kid. I warmed him up to the water after about 10 minutes and he was more comfortable, but still wanted to have my hand. He did, though, enjoy sliding down the little kids slide into the water. And Thomas had a great time playing with daddy. The pool we prefer to enjoy has big floaty canoes for the kids to play in, and Thomas really enjoyed floating around the pool in that. And of course, he thought it was hilarious when daddy played the shark.

Our evening was just as quiet as our morning, and I'm glad because my head was killing me by then. It was teetering dangerously on the edge of migraine, so I went to bed shortly after the boys did. Not sure what's causing the headaches I've been fighting for about a week now, but I'd like whatever it is to take a hike! Could be moving "stress", but I don't feel all that stressed.

Adding to my headache, yesterday I realized our van needs to go through aircare before we an reinsure it. I'm not sure how, but I completely overlooked that, and now we need to get it to pass aircare before we can do anything else. Ugh. I'm pretty sure it's going to fail. I guess I thought aircare was done already, but the aircare program doesn't end until the end of the year. Oops. We can't even start dealing with it until tomorrow, because our mechanics are closed on mondays. Hosers.

Well, it's a glorious day outside, and I think we'll try to get some boxes moved over to the new place. Fun, fun, fun!

**It must have been a pretty fun weekend for the boys, because they're both still sleeping! It's 8:15am!**

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