Wednesday 11 June 2014

Chip Chip Chip'n Away

Oh boy, we're 17 days til moving day! I'm not sure who's more excited -- me or the kids?!

We happily got to take some boxes over, and get another look around. Every time we go the place and yard look bigger! (I wonder if we're subconsciously telling ourselves it's a huge downsize, so that when we get there, it won't seem so small. If that's our subconscious plan, it's working!!!)  Getting some of our boxes moved makes room for more boxes to be put in our storage spaces. I can't wait until we can just clean it all out though!

I've gotten a lot of cleaning done, and hopefully all that's left as we leave is a quick wipe down of walls/windowsills/counters. The carpets will get steam cleaned the day after we're out, and hopefully that will be it. *Fingers Crossed*!

The boys are becoming such good friends. Yes, they still fight a TON, but they also get along a lot of the time too. Today they were fighting over who got to hug and snuggle me. Not gonna lie, I let them fight over me for a good 45 minutes! 45 minutes of snuggles and hugs is unheard of with 2 little boys, so I enjoyed every moment. *Grin*

Thomas is such a sweet boy. When Uncle Cam came to pick up Emma today, Thomas exclaimed, "Uncle Cam! I love you!" Thomas keeps telling me how excited he is to have a bunk bed. I'm just desperately hoping he doesn't fall and break something! I'm considering painting the ladder to the top with some sort of glow in the dark paint, so that if he has to go to the bathroom in the night he'll be able to see where he's going. I've started to get nervous about Elliott escaping during the night, since he won't be in a crib anymore... maybe we'll install high railings on the side and end of his bunk to keep him in a night? Like a cage... that doesn't sound humane... hahaha

While I feel like I'm accomplishing a lot for this move, I also feel a little like it's overtaking my life. Good thing moving isn't something we intend on doing again for at least 5 years.

Things we are excited about for the move:

- getting a king size bed (because it will fit in our new enormous bedroom!!!)
- being able to send the boys out to the yard and not having to be out there the whole time with them, because it's fully fenced, and our kitchen and living room windows look at the yard.
- cheaper gas in abbotsford
- super duper close to the border
- close to all the U-pick farms (we LOVE to pick blueberries and raspberries in the summer)
- getting a dog, because we're allowed. Yay!
- getting to see Hannah and Grace every day! We love them!

Here's hoping the next few weeks fly, but are extremely productive!

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