Tuesday 23 September 2014

Healthy Habits

When I think of making healthy habits, excersice and eating fruits and vegetables comes to mind. But there is something else that I need to remind myself of: reading Gods truth is just as important for healthy living. 

When I think to the times that I struggled the most, it isn't my eating habits or lack of excersice that stand out. It's my emotional well being that was on the rocks. And how did those times get remedied? Seeking God, reading his word, and talking to Him in honesty and hope for the future. He has restored the hard times, to good. No one ever told me this life would be easy, and I'm aware that even if I am diligent in my pursuit of knowing God deeper, things won't always be sunshine and rainbows, but staying close to Him during the hard times and good will build my character and make me a healthier mother, wife, daughter and friend.

I'm renewing my commitment to healthier living - mind, body and spirit. I'm making a promise to myself and my family (and you, my friends), to stay on track with healthy eating, excersicing at least 30 minutes 6 days a week, and getting into Gods word every day, even if only for a brief time. With the change of the season I feel the need to put my focus back on being healthy, in all conceivable ways. Writing it here, I hope to be kept accountable.

So I put this to you, what are some ways you stay consistent in your health routines? Do you excersice at a certain time of day? Eat a set meal plan? (If you are inclined to a relationship with God,) do you read your bible at certain times if the day? Have reminders to pray or meditate on His word? How do you work towards a healthier you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty on track with my eating and excercise now (yahoo, one kid at home three days a week= freedom!) but I'm a terrible bible reader. I find that going to Women's groups and Small groups at church really helps me to dive in that way :)
