Tuesday 16 September 2014

Big News!!

I was in no rush to potty train Thomas, but he was in even less of a rush. He was content to use his diaper, and often said no to the potty, just to use his diaper minutes later. But once he finally decided to do it, he got it completely, all day and all night. It was like a switch turned, a little before he turned 4.

My hopes weren't high for Elliott to train any sooner than Thomas did, but I guess the peer pressure (from Hannah and Thomas) is really working on Elliott, because he has now peed on the potty on by his choice, twice. So today, I've decided, is the day to let him try to go diapers, and we'll hit the bathroom every 15 minutes or so. 

This is exciting, folks. The possibility that my second boy could be potty trained by the age of 3?! Freeeeeeedom! I am so done with diapers. We cloth diapered Elliott right from the start, but once we started to get busy packing the house up for our move, I switched to disposables. And that's just been easier, since the move, because washing diapers takes a lot of time when there are 4 kids to attend to. 

So here's hoping this isn't just a novelty and that he wants to be done with diapers as much as I do!!  Cross your fingers for us, please! 

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